Dallas Event Premier Sponsor
Prominent logo or name recognition on event webpage, promotions, and at the event
Inclusion in social media posts for the event
Verbal recognition by a Chapter representative during the event
Sponsor designation on company name tags at the event
Pre-event list of attendees (names and company details)
Three (3) complimentary event registrations (discount code provided by APWC)
Prominent logo or name recognition on event webpage, promotions, and at the event
Inclusion in social media posts for the event
Verbal recognition by a Chapter representative during the event
Sponsor designation on company name tags at the event
Pre-event list of attendees (names and company details)
Three (3) complimentary event registrations (discount code provided by APWC)
Prominent logo or name recognition on event webpage, promotions, and at the event
Inclusion in social media posts for the event
Verbal recognition by a Chapter representative during the event
Sponsor designation on company name tags at the event
Pre-event list of attendees (names and company details)
Three (3) complimentary event registrations (discount code provided by APWC)